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Although the first printing press was invented back in 1450, modern graphic design came about in the 19th century. Needless to say, the field has evolved tremendously since, and advertising turned it into the profession we associate the term with today.

尽管第一台印刷机是在1450年发明的,但是现代图形设计是在19世纪出现的。 毋庸置疑,此领域自此发生了巨大的变化,而广告已将其变成了我们今天所称的专业。

Due to the progress of technology, as well as the consumer market as a whole, talented people of all ages now have more job opportunities than ever before. With a well-written and some experience in the field, you will certainly be able to follow any of the following ten career paths. Just remember that HR managers usually pick the candidates whose cover letters stand out over those that have slightly more experience because they show more enthusiasm.

由于技术的进步以及整个消费市场的发展,各个年龄段的人才现在都比以往拥有更多的工作机会。 拥有写得很好的和相关领域的经验,您当然可以遵循以下十个职业道路中的任何一条。 只需记住,人力资源经理通常会选择那些求职信比那些具有更多经验的求职者突出的候选人,因为他们表现出更多的热情。

10 Unexpected Career Paths of Graphic Designers

Image Source: Pexels


平面设计就业选择 (Graphic Design Employment Options)

1. UX / UI设计器 (1. UX/UI Designer)

UX/UI design has to do with user experience and interfaces, and it focuses more on the technical aspect of the profession. While many are drawn to the visuals behind such a career, this particular profession is an excellent opportunity to develop skills that are more , coding and other methodological factors.

UX / UI设计与用户体验和界面有关,它更多地侧重于专业的技术方面。 尽管许多人吸引了这种职业背后的视觉效果,但这个特定的职业是发展 ,编码和其他方法因素更技能的绝好机会。

2.网页设计师 (2. Web Designer)

A successful and attractive website relies on more than just UX and UI. In this respect, graphic designers can easily turn into web designers that provide pages with the aesthetic sensibilities that many users prefer. After all, a website shouldn’t only work beautifully, but look the part as well. This is where the visual aspect of the occupation comes in strong.

一个成功且有吸引力的网站不仅依赖于UX和UI。 在这方面,图形设计师可以轻松地成为为网页提供许多用户所喜欢的美学感觉的网页设计师。 毕竟,一个网站不仅应该美观,而且应该看起来很重要。 这是职业视觉效果的显着体现。

3. 3D Illustrator (3. 3D Illustrator)

For graphic design graduates that want to combine their traditional skills with contemporary computer processing, a career as a 3D illustrator is perfect. This allows creative employees to coordinate and complete projects that cover a wide array of subject matters, which is a great opportunity for improving aptitudes and becoming successful in this branch of artistry.

对于希望将传统技能与当代计算机处理相结合的图形设计专业毕业生,作为3D插画家的职业是完美的。 这使富有创造力的员工能够协调并完成涵盖广泛主题的项目,这是提高才智并在这一艺术领域取得成功的绝好机会。

4.书籍封面设计师 (4. Book Cover Designer)

Fortunately, the vast majority of the population hasn’t given up on reading just yet. And even though many of us own Kindles or other types of e-readers, physical books are still very much appreciated. A capable book cover designer can make all the difference in the world in this respect, as an alluring presentation always helps sell more copies.

幸运的是,绝大多数人还没有放弃阅读。 尽管我们中的许多人拥有Kindle或其他类型的电子阅读器,但实体书仍然非常受欢迎。 有能力的书籍封面设计师可以在这方面改变世界,因为诱人的演示文稿总是可以帮助销售更多的副本。

5.包装设计师 (5. Packaging Designer)

Designing product packages is in the same vein as creating book covers. Nowadays, companies are coming up with marketing campaigns that are more and more innovative with each passing day. This requires the promoted item to rise up to the challenge and meet consumer expectations, and an aesthetically pleasing presentation plays a huge role in that.

设计产品包装与创建书的封面是一样的。 如今,公司提出的营销活动日新月异。 这就要求被促销的商品要迎接挑战并满足消费者的期望,而美观的展示在其中起着巨大的作用。

6. AR设计师 (6. AR Designer)

According to Artefact co-founder and principal , augmented reality design is the next big step in the professional evolution of today’s skilled graphic designers. The field of AR is constantly evolving and expanding, which creates an increase in demand as far as positions are concerned. These pertain to a variety of disciplines as well, from apps to healthcare and back.

据Artefact联合创始人兼负责人 ( ,增强现实设计是当今熟练的图形设计师专业发展的下一步。 增强现实领域不断发展和壮大,就职位而言,需求增加。 这些也涉及从应用程序到医疗保健以及各个领域的各种学科。

7.艺术总监 (7. Art Director)

Experienced graphic designers have the opportunity to evolve as an art director that oversees the activity of an entire team of . Aside from the regular professional aptitudes involved, the person appointed for this job also needs to possess a keen eye for detail, so that he or she can double check every single project before it makes it to the client.

经验丰富的平面设计师有机会发展成为艺术总监,监督整个团队的活动。 除了所涉及的常规专业才能之外,任命该职位的人员还需要对细节有敏锐的洞察力,以便他或她可以仔细检查每个项目,然后再交付给客户。

8.创意服务经理 (8. Creative Services Manager)

The role of a is similar to that of an art director, but it can cover more bases depending on the company in question. Generally speaking, this person will oversee an extensive team of creative professionals, as well as act as a liaison between them and senior management. It is an important job that only the most experienced graphic designers can do.

的角色与艺术总监的角色相似,但根据所涉及的公司,它可以涵盖更多的基础。 一般而言,此人将监督庞大的创意专业人员团队,并充当他们与高级管理层之间的联络人。 只有最有经验的图形设计师才能完成这项工作。

9.老师 (9. Teacher)

Many professionals in the field of graphic design have evolved towards teaching careers up until now. This is especially achievable for older individuals who have spent decades in creative fields. When you possess such a vast amount of knowledge, you can achieve huge satisfaction from passing it on to the next generation of talented young men and women.

到目前为止,图形设计领域的许多专业人士已经发展为从事教学职业。 对于在创意领域工作了数十年的老年人而言,这尤其可实现。 当您拥有如此丰富的知识时,您可以将其传递给下一代有才华的年轻男女,从而获得巨大的满足感。

10.壁画 (10. Muralist)

There is a growing interest in street art and everything that has to do with it, which is why many budding graphic designers choose to become muralists. Modern cities from all around the world commission the work of such artists to beautify the facades of old buildings and bring a creative touch to everyday life, so why not give it a try?

人们对街头艺术以及与之相关的一切都越来越感兴趣,这就是为什么许多崭露头角的平面设计师选择成为壁画家的原因。 来自世界各地的现代城市委托这些艺术家来美化旧建筑的外墙,并为日常生活带来创意,那么为什么不尝试一下呢?

底线 (The Bottom Line)

Talented graphic designers nowadays have plenty of opportunities to advance in their respective fields, as well as take on variations of the job. What is more, the progress of technology has opened incredible prospects as far as combining visuals with programming and coding. All in all, the future looks promising for creative employees.

如今,才华横溢的平面设计师在其各自领域内拥有大量的发展机会,并且可以从事不同的工作。 而且,就将视觉与编程和编码相结合而言,技术的进步开辟了令人难以置信的前景。 总而言之,对于富有创造力的员工而言,前途一片光明。




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